Auto, Boat & RV Guaranteed Odor Removal

odor removal autoOne thing that any dealership that resells cars, RV’s, and boats can’t tolerate is a vehicle that smells bad.

When customers examine a vehicle, particularly a pre-owned car or truck, the most basic expectation is that they will detect no trace of the previous owner. Odors can instantaneously break the sale.

We eliminate odors.  We don’t just cover them up! We can rid your car of odors from smoke, food, bacteria, mold & pet odors.

Our proven odor-sanitization treatment technology completely removes unpleasant smells using a unique treatment method that is easily applied to fleets, vehicles for sale and any other interior area. Make sure that customers, guests and employees experience only what is intended and nothing else!

Most of the time well-meaning service providers and auto detailers utilize ozone or other foul smelling odor bombs and most of the time they don’t work and even in some cases, even make matters worse.

That’s where Stink Stompers odor elimination services come in. We can remove any odor every time!

car deodorizing We can permanently remove any odor in any vehicle 100% of the time. Guaranteed!

Cigarette and marijuana smoke is a very impossible to get out of the car using typically cleaning products and methods. The odor will build up and absorb into the cushions and vents, making it impossible to remove. If you do not want to cover up the smell, but would rather get rid of it for good, then contact Stink Stompers today!

Our affordable Green Certified vehicle deodorizing service permanently eliminates the toughest vehicle interior and the A/C system odors even if your vehicle has odors emanating from tobacco, cigar, marijuana, vapes, pet, mildew, and more.

All of these odors come from microscopic molecules or bacteria that attach themselves to the upholstery and plastics of your vehicle. Our system penetrates and destroys these odors at the molecular level – even from all of the porous material inside your vehicle and even if the odor has been left untreated for a length of time

Most vehicles can be completely deodorized in as little as 1 hour.

odor removalStink Stomper’s Sanitizing and Deodorizing System is also the perfect solution for RV’s and Boats.   Our advanced system gets everywhere removing odor causing germs, bacterial, allergens and contaminants without leaving any harmful residues.

We never use harsh toxic chemicals or cover up fragrances nor does our system require time consuming manual wiping or rinsing.

Even delicate surfaces and the heating and cooling systems of autos, RVs and Boats can be sanitized against a multitude of germs, allergens, odors and contaminants with the highest degree of effectiveness.

Yacht diesel, bilge, and head odors can be eliminated also.